The Rookies Awards 2024, sponsored by Huion and others, announced its winners!
time:  2024-08-05 10:39:04
click:  2360

This day is always very special to us at The Rookies, as we share the incredible talent of students and self-taught artists from around 100+ countries around the globe who have found success as category winners in the Rookie Awards.


A Special Thanks to Our Supporters

Every year, we are immensely grateful for the support of our partners. They not only make the event possible but also create opportunities for the thousands of students and self-taught artists who put themselves out there each year.

We are privileged to have the support of major sponsors Dell, Adobe, and Lenovo, along with the dedicated backing from Maxon, ProArt by ASUS, Foundry, Razer Axon, Side FX, Marmoset, Wacom, CLO, Marvelous Designer, Huion, Style3D, Chaos, AWN, and befores & afters.

Each year, we collaborate with studios that recognise the importance of fostering young talent and offer amazing career opportunities, as well as time to mentor the winners. Thank you to 2G Studio, Axis Studios, Electric Theatre Collective, Ghost VFX, INDG, Outpost VFX, PlaySide Studios, The Boundary, and beloFX.

And WOW, where would we be without our incredible judging panel! With nearly 7,000 entries and 150,000+ media uploads to review, they never missed a beat. This group of amazingly talented individuals has provided valuable insights and feedback, inspiring and encouraging our members in ways beyond imagination. THANK YOU.

Rookie Awards 2024 results are now live!

Follow the link below to view all the winning entries for each category in the Rookie Awards 2024.

Rookie Awards 2024 - Winners

Finally, we want to personally congratulate each and every one of the amazing artists who participated in #RookieAwards2024. Your passion and creativity have once again left a lasting impression on us. Each of you showed incredible talent and dedication to honing your craft, which is truly commendable.

Regardless of whether you took home an award or not, we encourage you to keep sharing your amazing work with the world. Our platform attracts recruiters on the lookout for top talent, and some of our biggest success stories are from those who didn't win.

The opportunities at The Rookies extend far beyond the Rookie Awards, so stay involved, keep pushing, and know that we are here to support you on your journey!