Hauntober Drawing Challenge 2023 Kicks Off, Win Exciting Prizes
time:  2023-09-27 16:29:29
click:  2056


As the haunting season approaches, we can’t wait to announce we will be hosting the Hauntober Drawing Challenge for the third year in a row, a month-long contest to infuse the October air with Halloween vibes and creativity.



  • Prompt List: We will release a unique prompt list of 31 ideas, ranging from abstract to tangible Halloween-themed objects. This prompts participants to unleash their creativity and bring the ideas to life on their canvases.

  • Boost Your Chances to Win: Artists who incorporate more elements and ideas into their creations stand a higher chance of winning amazing prizes.




We are offering exciting prizes to reward the talent and creativity of our participating artists this year. The prize lineup includes:

1x Kamvas 24 for the artist who finishes 31 ideas

3x Kamvas Pro 12 for the artists who finish 15 ideas

5x Inspiroy 2 S for the artists who finish 3 ideas

Winners will also have the honor of showcasing their artwork on Huion's official platforms.


How to Participate:

1. Follow our official account @huiontablet on Instagram.

2. Sign up to our community.

3. Create and submit your artwork using the hashtag #huionhauntober23 or upload your entry to the Community gallery with the title [huionhautober2023].

4. Share this event if you're into it.


Huion Community:

Huion Community is a passionate community of artists and beginners dedicated to fostering creativity and providing a platform for emerging talents. We believe in the power of art to inspire, enchant, and unite individuals from all walks of life. Join us as we embark on this artistic escapade and immerse ourselves in the magic of Hauntober. Let the brushstrokes and creativity flow like potions in a cauldron!

Happy Haunting and Artistry to All!


Get to know more details:

Huion Community: https://community.huion.com/article?arid=17586

Huion Official Social Account: https://www.instagram.com/huiontablet/

For further information, please contact: contest@huion.com.