Huion Unveils Its Most Cheerful Pen Tablet Ever in Cebu
time:  2019-07-11 15:44:07
click:  2783

SHENZHEN, China, June 30, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Huion Animation Technology unveiled its first co-branded pen tablet HS64 Special Edition in Cebu, Philippines, during which another new product, Kamvas Pro 16 Premium was also introduced to the public.


As consumers nowadays, especially the younger ones, tend to focus more on product design compared with situations years ago, Huion creates the HS64 SE, which is different from all the pen tablet models ever manufactured by the company in terms of product design.

HS64 SE is designed based on the duckling character called Chips, which was created by Ciayo Games, a well-known game developer with their base in Indonesia. Chips is a yellow duckling that looks somewhat like a banana, and is cute, smart and to some extent, a little bit funny. HS64 SE provides a cheerful image that allows users to unleash their creativity in a state of positivity. 

Moreover, the combination of yellow and black colors makes the whole product look more stylish and creative. Apart from the design of HS64 SE, the functionality of the product will also meet users’ expectations . The industry-leading report rate and pressure sensitivity are sure to liven up work created on a pen tablet. >233PP report rate ensures instant response to any pen movement, so no matter how fast users move the stylus, lines created will always follow tight to the cursor. 8192 levels of pressure sensitivity enables lines input to be rendered as different shapes and colors as pressure applied to the pen changes. Application of the battery-free electromagnetic resonance technology can even free the pen from power charge and provide flexible working conditions. The portability of HS64 SE as well as its OS compatibility will meet users’ expectations, as now no matter where they go, users can capture their inspirations in time as long as their HS64 SE is connected to their Android phone.


"User Request, User Participation and User-oriented" is the mantra of Huion that drives the company towards a better future where all of customers will find their ideal Huion pen tablet. To figure out what an ideal Huion tablet could be, please visit

For more information contact:

Carlos Lin 
