huion-14th-anniversary-Creative Pen Displays & Tablets for Drawing - Huion
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Huion 14th Anniversary


そして今、私たちはGen 3シリーズを誇りを持って紹介します。何年にもわたる調整と革新を経て、Gen 3シリーズはペン精度、色再現性、タッチ反応において画期的な進歩を遂げ、創造的な可能性の新たな基準を打ち立てました。

14年の歩みとGen 3シリーズの発売を記念して、皆さんをこのワクワクする旅にお招きしたいと思います。Gen 3シリーズを探求し、共に明日を築きましょう。

  • Huionのプレゼント企画に参加してグランプリをゲット抽選に参加して豪華賞品を手に入れ
  • 共に明日を築く次世代の革新的なアイデアをシェアしよう
  • SilverRaven0:
    Uh, maybe a separated (costumizable) buttons pads from the screen tab would be nice? ◉⁠‿⁠◉
  • SlouchHoodlum:
    🤔 a keydial that attaches magnetically to the pen display. Or a tray to put the keydial on it#Huion
  • AsderArt:
    1. Gesture-Controlled Express Keys with Haptic FeedbackReplace physical buttons with a touch-sensitive zone for swipes, taps, and slides. Customize gestures per app (e.g., swipe to undo, two-finger tap for color picker) with haptic feedback for confirmation.2. Modular Tablet…
  • LocalOniichan:
    slimmer and higher resolution
  • MaiCrimsonJeans:
    flexible design with magnet pen holder, separate button pad! maybe attachable upgrades so u can customize it even morealso changable cover to fit ur style
  • Skeeks_:
    For Huion Kamvas Slate, maybe add a feature where on connecting with the type c cable, i can use my android tablet as a display tablet with full pen support. The current specs for the tablet is too weak for use over years
  • glammma:
    Pen display while attached, and Android tablet while detached.
  • bushido_noeru:
    KamvasPro24 4Kモデルをブラッシュアップしたモデルを出して欲しいです。具体的にはAdobeAGBのカバー率をあげて、オプションでもいいのでカラーキャリブレーションをできるように。KD100のダイヤルを無くして22キーにして欲しいあと、現状はHDMIが画面上部から飛び出る形を変えて欲しいです。
  • lupussala:
    Bigger screen, slimmer, opportunity to use it as a display, separate button pad.
  • M21fky:
    Integrated e-ink functionality on smaller "on the go" display tablet. It doesn't have to be a full android experience.
  • Samtiagation:
    New sensitive glove options located at the tips of users fingers,each with its own movement gesture to access them index finger and thumb two touches Zoom Middle and thumb CTRL zRing and thumb Flip Canvas Little finger and thumb Expand brush sizeCustomizableEndless options
  • mariadrawss:
    As a pro, I need: Ergonomic design for long sessions, accurate color output, a comfortable pen for extended use, and a reliable, adjustable stand. Ditch the flimsy legs! 😃✨️
  • HesDarion:
    120hz: small modelsdefaults to 60 for lower hardware.piemenu: improve it to be more blender like where its not a click its on hover.keybinds: add timing to so can do things like shift + shift ..etc.
  • Noonertbc:
    Maybe more pressure sensitivity? :0
  • zumi_aato:
    I need a bigger sized of pen display that can connected to my phone
  • MaiChanDraw:
    Adaptive Holographic Canvas: Imagine a tablet that projects a 3D holographic workspace above the surface. Artists could sculpt, draw, or paint in mid-air with a stylus, using gestures to rotate and refine their work. Huion could integrate this with AI-assisted rendering to smooth
  • Lana55869840:
    It would be great if within a few years there were stand-alone 23-27 inch graphics tablets that could be folded up for transportation - this would allow digital artists to travel light and create their creations exactly when bold new ideas and inspiration arise.
  • Sushi_FoxxTTV:
    I would love a type c pot! As well as an attached to the tablet pen holder.I can’t count how many times I’ve lost me pen lol
  • yuzu3_san:
    I haven't tried pen display before but if I got one, I think I just need a accurate color output and high pressure pen
  • breadnbreakdown:
    a more accurate color output maybe !!
  • moch4mint:
    a space on the tablet to attach the pens at maybe?? magnetized or something to keep us from losing pens
  • k4njzrat:
    more accurate color output, a sturdy adjustable stand, or a stand-alone tab
  • noxy_galaxia:
    More accurate color display, adjustable stand , a new sensitive glove , a higher resolution too!
  • CindySdraw:
    Improve the color gamut, so that the colors have better accuracy
  • crisXuhDraws:
    1. How about a tablet with a 10" or 14" screen?2. A new size from the Slate serie: Kamvas Slate 12"? 3. A new pen battery-free for Kamvas Slate 10" 4. More color options in the design of the tablets and pencil to choose from.(+)
  • RivenHarlow:
    Modular styli! So many of us artists have arthritis, tendonitis, etc. Being able to swap out grips for what we prefer would be awesome and not require a whole lot of effort/money/engineering to make happen.
Huion 14周年
Gen 3ファミリー
  • Champion × 1
    Kamvas Pro 27
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  • Runner-up × 2
    Kamvas Pro 19
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  • Third place × 3
    Kamvas 16 (Gen 3)
    詳しく見る >
  • Honorable mention × 4
    Kamvas 13 (Gen 3)
    詳しく見る >